Saturday, June 17, 2017

Before Bliss, there was Loneliness and I. He was intertwined with my soul, where I went, there he was. He was there, by my side, even when we were engulfed by other people’s gazes. He sat with me, on the park bench and we waited for the bus to arrive.

And then Bliss arrived. I was enchanted by his charm. I dared smile, and laugh, and dance to the music. Bliss sparked the fireworks, igniting colours, which demolished the bubble around my heart. I felt it beat then. Thump. Thump. Thump.

I should have known that Bliss – that Bliss was a butterfly. His wings flittered, soft and unassuming, and he fluttered around me – I, who was enthralled by this beauty in front of me.

Until one day, I realised that he had flitted away, without a goodbye, without one last look. He left, leaving only a faint memory of our time together.

“Did he leave to his own accord?” questioned Doubt. “Or did you shoo him away?”

Doubt was no friend of mine. I don’t really remember when I first encountered her, or how. She was just there, she was there even before Loneliness became my companion in life. Doubt was there – she is here now.

“I’m here.” Loneliness took my hands in his. He let me place my head on his shoulder. The sun set, golden light caressed the purple sky one last time. They would see each other again tomorrow. That was my undoing. My tears soaked Loneliness’ shoulder.

When Bliss came to visit once again, I welcomed him. But I didn’t let him fool me. When he left, I didn’t cry for him. I didn’t let him fool me.


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