Sunday, May 21, 2017

It’s Sunday again!!! The start of the new week, yay! Another day closer to finals and the end of semester. Last week flew by reeeeeally quickly. There were moments here and there that I really enjoyed, but mostly it was mixed feelings that I felt. Does that even make sense?

If you knew me in real life, whenever I try to explain or state something, it’s always followed by that question: Does that even make sense? Which makes me think that I should try to be more confident. Note to self: just act like you know what you’re doing and everybody will believe you, and you yourself may start to believe in you. Fake it till you make it!

But without further adieu, volume three of The Sunday Currently!


A University of Wollongong hoodie that my friend got me from when they went to the uni’s orientation day. Orange Adidas shirt I’ve had for forever. REEEAAAALLY comfy polyester navy pajama pants with pink polkadots that are 2 inches longer than my legs.

UOW student to me, a UNSW student:

Melancholic. As I’ve said, I’ve been feeling really… unbalanced the whole week. One time, I’m happy, next minute I feel like I don’t belong. And then, I’m hating myself for not being able to socialise well with my ‘friends’.

About happenings that occurred last night at my friend’s eighteenth birthday party. (Happy birthday, Annie!) I’m really sorry about the fact that you guys had to put up with… slightly drunk Justine.

I had a birthday party. Or that I have one next year. I don’t know. I’m too scared to ask. My mum doesn’t like me drinking. I don’t have a place to set it in. Also, budget. And who to invite.

“One Day at a Time”, a new TV show I just started. I’m two episodes in and I’m loving it. Also, been marathoning the James Bond movies with my brother in law, every week. We watched “Goldfinger” last week, and this week we finished Pierce Brosnan’s “GoldenEye”, “Tomorrow Never Dies”, and “The World is Not Enough”. I’ll expand on my thoughts on these movies once we’ve finished Brosnan’s run and the more recent ones.

Well, I’ve been trying to read the second book in the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard, “Glass Sword”, but because I haven’t read the first book in two years, I’m kind of diving head first into forgotten territories. I’m too lazy to re-read “Red Queen”, maybe I’ll Wikipedia it.

My passion for design. I started using Adobe Illustrator again. I designed the header for this post. Yes, I know it's crappy, but I'm working on being better.

To start drawing, sketching, and designing again. Should I get a sketchbook? But I always end up wasting paper.

That the exercise routine I started will keep up. I decided to walk home from the train station after uni every day. It’s a fifteen minute walk and an uneven pathway – lots of ups and downs – but I can do it! Plus, I got my music to accompany me. By the time I get two houses before ours, I’d always wish that I’d taken a longer path, cause I do start to enjoy it.

I’ll keep this sweet and short – just like me. Till next time!

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