Sunday, July 29, 2018

Survived the first week back to uni alright. I felt like it was a really productive week. We had two BABSOC events that went quite smoothly, might I say. I learned a lot from the Interview Workshop that was hosted by a career advisor - I think - at the university. Hopefully, we can run more workshops like that in the future. We also had a Morning Tea as a welcome back event. Organising the little details was fun, but the preparation right before the event was stressful. Nevertheless, I got positive feedback, and that makes me feel satisfied with that day's work.


to pink skies, soft light - one of playlists on Spotify. It's a collection of mellow songs such as Sam Smith's Too Good at Goodbyes and Adel's Make You Feel My Love. It's my go-to playlist when I'm on the train on the way home from uni.

writing prompts on Pinterest. I really want to start writing more. The best way to start writing, for me at least, is to start finding inspiration.

Meteor Garden (2018) - it's a remake of the 2001 Chinese drama, which I and everyone else in the Philippines were obsessed with back in the day. I remember collecting F4 stickers as every convenience store in town gave them out every time you bought some candy or something. But, goddammit, this year's Lei is so adorable. I cannot function. I also just recently finished Healer (2015), a K-drama starring Ji Chang-Wook and Park Min Young. Oh my... is JCW beautiful. He is freaking gorgeous.

about all my goals for this week! I seriously need to stop being lazy and just start writing all the things I need to do in my planner again. I should also start to summarise my notes after every lecture.

the trace of fried rice we ordered from this Thai restaurant for dinner.

for adventure. You know, the kind of adventure where I get to save the world or stop some evil dude from leading the world to its DOOM. Maybe I should start playing video games.

for my payslips to come in soon! And that I may have the courage to save them up.

a faded grey shirt that has EXTRA FRIES? written in red and are peeling off and pink joggers. I've also got a leopard-print blanket draped around my shoulder because I'm too lazy to get a jacket/jumper.

Adel's voice. Ji Chang-Wook's gorgeous face. Goodness, his face is so beautiful, and he's got such an adorable personality as well. Too bad, he's a thousand miles away, and he's famous so chances of us meeting is no more than 0.5%. 

winter to end soon. I don't like cold weather. I miss summer and the beach. I want to go on road trips and have spontaneous adventures and find stunning places and take artistic photos and, of course, create unforgettable memories.

some warmth in life. Or a LOT of warmth. Been feeling cold and lonely. I'm kind of sad that I don't have that person, my person. Just that person who would choose me over anyone. As much as I love my friends, I know that they would choose their boyfriends over me. They would choose their boyfriends over hanging out with me. Most of the time, that's okay with me because I would usually find another friend to hang out with. But wouldn't it be great to have someone who would choose you first?

sad for my best friend. I know she's a strong girl and she can get through this hard time.

How did your Sunday go?

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