Friday, April 20, 2018

I know I say this every time I make a new blog post, and yes, you’ve guessed it. IT’S BEEN SO DAMN LONG SINCE MY LAST ENTRY.

These past couple of months have really drained me out. Not gonna lie, I’ve had a few times when I was free and had nothing else to do, but when those times do come, I don’t have energy to grab my laptop and start smashing keyboard to get the state of my mind from a spaceless space to the digital world. What am I even saying here?

It’s now one in the morning. I’m still awake because I know I don’t have class tomorrow morning. Chemistry lab, which is usually scheduled at 9 in the morning every Friday, is not running this week. Though, I’m still coming in to uni because I have BABSOC commitments.

Have I mentioned BABSOC before? Not sure if I have, though if I haven’t, BABSOC is the student society for Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, the faculty for which I belong in (being a Biotechnology student). I’m one of the executives so I’m expected to turn up to events and help organise them. I’m actually so excited for our event tomorr-today?

We’re having an EGM, which is a – I don’t know what the “E” stands for, but it’s basically a general meeting (thus the “GM”), where we welcome sub-committee applicants into our society. Being the Social Events Coordinator, I get to have my own team of subcomm! My own minions!

We also have Game Night right after! So that should be fun! Hopefully I can film it and make a vlog out of it.

Speaking of vlogs, I haven’t been vlogging either. I have been trying to film small footages every now and then but there hasn’t been a lot of things going on in my life right now.

Though, there’s a few new things about me this year. One, if you haven’t seen my Instagram or my Facebook photo, is that my hair is different – it’s short AND it’s got streaks of brown!

I didn’t know I was going to do it until I’ve done it! First time I’ve ever done something BIG to my hair. When the hairdresser first revealed it to me, I was a bit disappointed with the colour because I thought it looked too light, and that I would look ridiculous in it.

I was so scared to show it off. Though having showed my friends, who were very encouraging, I started to love it. I learned that one just has to accept the decisions they make, and embrace the outcome.

I also picked up Introduction to Programming as an elective for this semester. AND I’M LOVING IT. I’m not necessarily good at it, but I love that it makes you think outside the box. In my tutorial and lab, I’ve made a handful of new friends.

One of them even invited me to join RunSoc (the running society at UNSW) every Friday. It was my first time to join them last week and I’ve already made new friends, too! I thought I could make the Medium pace group, but I was out of shape – plus the fact that I was asthmatic (NOBODY KNOWS THIS). I was so tired that I could feel my bladder fill up and ended up needing to go peeeee in the middle of the run. THERE WAS NO PUBLIC TOILET AT WHERE WE WERE RUNNING. Embarrassing as it was, I ended up peeing behind a tree. Luckily, the sun had already set, and the sky had already darkened.

I ended up joining the Slow pace group – also known as the Sexy pace group – for the rest of the course. AND I STILL STRUGGLED. Thankfully, there were some people who were slow too and I ended up befriending them!

The next three days were a nightmare. MY LEGS FREAKING KILLED ME. I couldn’t move them, and every time I did move, it was like I was igniting this flame that covered my legs! Lucky for me, work doesn’t involve standing up much. I only had to facepaint and that meant minimal leg work!

I ended up staying at home on Monday because I was exhausted from the previous week. Besides, I only had a one hour Chemistry tutorial at 10am, then a 10-hour long (I’m exaggerating) break before my one hour Microbiology lecture at 6pm (not exaggerating). I’m not really sure why I bother going sometimes.

Well, it’s nearly 2 am, so I really should wrap this up.

It felt really good to write again. There are still so many things/thoughts/ideas left unwritten, and I hope I can satisfy those soon again. For now, I bid you good night.

Sweetest dreams,

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