Thursday, August 17, 2017

How have you been? It has been quite a while, hasn't it? Can you believe that it's 2018 in 4 months?

I’ve been well. I’m content, and I’m enjoying the life that Universe has offered me. I’m doing awesomely in my classes – well, I’d like to hope so. By “awesomely”, I mean that I’m participating and asking the questions that I need clarified and answering the questions thrown at me by the tutors. I haven’t complained about my classes – apart from how I have to attend the marketing lectures because they mark attendance. I know, right? 

BABS Lab w/ Alice. We're scientists!
How cool are our lab coats?!
Anyways. I’m really loving BABS lab this semester. Alice is in it, too, which made making friends a lot easier. I don’t know why but when I’m with another friend, I’m more confident than when I’m alone. Take last semester, while I did become friends with some of my lab mates, it was a friendship that was happened upon in the laboratory and nothing more outside. It’s not their fault. I just felt that there was a barrier in between the inside and outside of the lab. We never met up out of class, apart from being forced to at the end of semester to finish off our group projects.

Economics is also alright. It’s a lot of content and a lot to get through. But my tutor really cares about us understanding the concepts. So he was more than happy to go through the topics covered for the week when I asked him to. For some reason, I had no shame in asking about it, unlike last semester, where I was always hesitant about asking my Finance tutor about stuff I didn’t understand. I guess, it’s more the atmosphere in the room? When I raised my hand about the Economics topics, I felt that half the room was relieved that somebody had asked. So, take note, just ask.

I’m loving Marketing. Despite my constant complaints about the lectures, this class is probably one of my favourites. I love the discussion that happens in the tutorials. I actually raise my hands to contribute! Me! (I mean, I did it the first few times in BABS last semester, it’s just I felt discouraged after my demonstrator kept giving me the “WTF is she talking about look”.) In this class, it’s a real discussion! People add to your argument OR they refute it! Each time I raise my hand, I feel more confident.

Statistics is funny. We’ve got this lecturer and he’s quite attractive, with really niiiiice blue eyes. Every time we go to our lecture, Alice and I just make googly eyes at him. He’s super nice, too, with such smooth voice. Izzy, this girl I met in Chemistry last sem (which I dropped), is also in our Statistics (lecture) and BABS (we’re lab partners!). It’s great because I’m getting to know her more. She was very quiet when I first met her, and very mindful.

Apart from that, I’ve also been vlogging. I’m really enjoying it! Like putting together beautiful sceneries and shots, layering it with great music. I love experimenting with different camera techniques. But I’ve yet to master colour correcting and having a steady hand. Though, I really do need some more confidence.

I’ve been listening to the Ted Talk podcasts every few days. Sometimes I go to their Youtube channel and read through the comments. It’s good to read through them because you get to see different perspectives. I love the Talks because I’m learning a lot from it, and they remind me to be mindful and not just think about myself. Because I’m not the only one experiencing the hardships of life, and I’m not the only one benefitting from Mother Earth.

Though, Jimmy Lin’s Talk “A simple new blood test that can catch cancer early” is the one that really stayed with me for days. It’s amazing what we have achieved as humans, and it’s amazing that every day, we find new ways to live through the challenges that are hurled at us. This talk has really put into perspective the things that have been accomplished and what else can be accomplished. It gave me a “tomorrow” that I’m really, really, really excited to experience. It really solidified my stance on the course that I am studying, Biotechnology. It made me want to do this course because I realised that there are so many people that need help, who can be helped.

Here are a few other Ted Talks that resonated with me:

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